Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bake for the Cure Recipe #1-World's Best Pancakes...

To bring more awareness to breast cancer this October, ABCD Diaries is participating in a Bake-Off with 19 other blogs. The Bake for the Cure Bakeoff is sponsored by ACH products.
The premise is simple: using ACH ingredients (Argo Corn Starch, Karo Corn Syrup, Fleishmann’s Yeast), prepare two recipes per week (Oct. 4 – 20) and post photos of the finished product.
So, each week we will be posting 2 recipes, one from the Bake for the Cure Cookbook and one personal favorite. The blogger with the most comments on their recipe posts wins $500, which would truly be a blessing for our family:)

We are going to start off with a family favorite...Buttermilk Pancakes! We love breakfast and the kids are guaranteed to eat it so we often have Breakfast-for-Dinner. These pancakes are the most requested of our breakfast fare. They are easy and you can add anything you like to personalize them...we've added berries, nuts and chocolate chips. This really is THE BEST pancake recipe I've ever tried!!

World's Best Pancakes

1 c all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbl sugar
1 egg
1 c buttermilk
1/2 c melted butter, divided

1. Mix dry ingredients thoroughly. Gently add liquid ingredients, including 1/4 c butter, and stir until just incorporated. Do not overwork the is thick; it can be thinned with a small amount of water or buttermilk.
2. Cook pancakes on a lightly greased griddle. Pancakes should be turned only once. They are ready to be turned when the bubbles form in the middle and the edges appear cooked. Once pancakes are turned, use a pastry brush to spread the additional melted butter on the top of the pancakes while the other side is cooking. This will keep you from having to spread cold butter on them, which will tear them. The pancakes will already be buttered when they reach the table. Top with your favorite syrup.
Note: You can add fresh fruit, berries, nuts or chocolate chips to the batter to change it up if you get tired of plain pancakes.

So, I'm not really the best food photographer and these pictures don't do the pancakes very much justice...I guess I could have taken pictures of the 4 empty plates and full tummies at the end of it all:)

If you have any ideas on how to spruce this recipe up a bit, other sure-thing meals that picky toddlers will eat, your favorite recipe or you just want to help us win the bake off, please leave a comment! Thanks so much and if you try this recipe I hope your family enjoys it as much as ours does:)

Disclosure: We were provided with ACH products, a cook book and a gift card for materials to participate in this contest. All opinions expressed in this post are ours and ours alone.


  1. These pancakes look so good and I think we might be having them for supper. Thank You

  2. Pancakes for breakfast !!! tomorrow definitely going to try this for breakfast.

  3. Pancakes...possibly my favorite thing to chow down on for breakfast. This recipe looks fantastic! The only problem is I rarely if ever buy buttermilk. But I bet these would turn out fine with milk, too!

  4. I totally need to bookmark this page - and great cause too!

  5. My kids eat pancakes for breafast EVERY day! They won't eat cereal! I add chocolate chips or sprinkles to mine once in a while to spruce them up and make them special. Thanks! (My Grandma just got diagnosed with breast cancer so this is a new issue in my life- I should have been supporting this earlier!)

  6. Look like nice an light pancakes the kind I like

  7. Pancakes are a favorite breakfast and dinner in my house! I would love to make these

  8. These pancakes look really good.

  9. Yummo! Breakfast for Dinner tonight!

  10. Both of my kids love pancakes , and this looks like super easy and yummy recipe, I will be trying these.

  11. These look so yummy! I think I will try these and add fresh blueberries!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Anything pancakes are our favorite, bookmark your page now. thanks for sharing!

  14. I LOVE pancakes! Yummy recipe!

  15. wow that looks easy and yummy

  16. Oh goodie. I wanted to know how to make pancakes from scratch these look mouthwatering.

  17. They do look like the world's best pancakes.

  18. These look so good. Buttermilk is so good in pancakes but my child is dairy allergic so we use rice milk (boy, I miss buttermilk!!)

  19. This looks like a great pancake recipe! Can't wait to try it!

  20. They look super yummy, I think we may be having breakfast for dinner soon! Thanks for sharing.

  21. If i say anthing about this recipe- its that these are the worlds best.
    i get your emails 1
    tcogbill at live dot com

  22. We had pancakes for breakfast - this recipe is pretty close to what we made - I'll have to try it.

  23. I'm always looking for new pancake recipes and variations. Thanks!

  24. Mmmm! Those sound yummy. Whenever I try to make pancakes from scratch, they never turn out right, so I'll have to try this recipe!

  25. I am looking for a new and good pancake recipe. Thank you for this! I have bookmarked it.

  26. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Will whole wheat flour work with this recipe too?

  27. Have to chuckle about having breakfast for dinner. When we were little my mom would so this and for some reason we thought it was such a treat. We were easily entertained.....

  28. i'm bookmarking this recipe! i've never made pancakes from scratch but i'm also wondering if whole wheat flour will work. i might give it a shot since it's all i have around here!

  29. Looks like a great recipe, can't wait to try it out for my pancake loving kiddos.

  30. Gotta love this--all i can say is YUM!! :)

    tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

  31. Yummy looking pancakes! My husband is usually the pancake cook in our house, but I'd love to make these so I can claim them mine!

    treflea4 at gmail dot com

  32. I haven't made pancakes with buttermilk. Sounds yummy!
    jcottey at aol dot com

  33. these looks so good, pancakes seem easy until I have to toss the burnt, gluey mess in the trash, I am going to try your recipe

  34. They sure look great. I love pancakes, can eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  35. These look good. Pancakes are our favorite.
    Tina M

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I suck at making pancakes, yours look amazing and delicious!


  38. Better than Bisquick yum! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

  39. Buttermilk pancakes are get my vote!

  40. Love pancakes, I have tried doing them with whole wheat flour and they taste really good too, a little coarser kind of taste but I don't mind.

    nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

  41. ooh! These sound so yummy! I'm sure the buttermilk gives it a great flavor

  42. I love pancakes but have always made them using a mix. Seems like the recipe's simple enough and I won't need to buy anymore mix! :)
    bunnybx at gmail . com

  43. Have not tried making pancakes with buttermilk - will try this sometime!

    jswaks at gmail dot com

  44. Yum, I never tried sugar, always used vanilla. These look so good I have to make some. Thanks for the recipe.

  45. Okay ... this is making me hungry! We often make a natural fruit compote to use on pancakes instead of syrup. It makes a nice change and a great way to incorporate more fruit into our day.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. My family LOVES!!! pancakes and I make panscakes on Saturday morning for the whole family. I think your picture looks YUMMY!!! and pancakes are just what the TUMMY!!! ordered. +10

  48. I just recently tried making homemade pancake mix for the first time, and it was so easy to do. I'll have to try this recipe and see how we like it. Thanks!
    lisar79 at msn dot com

  49. I just really got into putting strawberry syrup on my pancakes! Its the same brand as a popular jelly company but this is a syrup. I believe it also comes in blueberry! I first tried the syrup at the local diner and it was so good I had to ask what brand it was!

  50. Those look great.My pancakes always turn out poofy and thick

  51. pancakes are one of the few things my picky eater of a daughter will eat. I'm always looking for new one's to try. I will be trying this with a few blueberries thrown in!

    mistry dot kelly at yahoo dot com

  52. I've never used buttermilk but it sounds as if that would make these pancakes very good.

  53. My family loves pancakes and these look great. We are definitely going to have to try them!

  54. Yum! We'll definitely be trying these! You've made them look so easy!
    suelee7 at hotmail dot com

  55. These look great! I would suggest adding a bit of cinnamon to them. I do this with the pancake mix I make and it makes them even more delicious.

  56. I love me some pancakes. I try to cook breakfast each weekend. I will try out this recipe. Sounds yummy!

  57. I think that putting this awesome maple butter that we have at our local farmer's market would be fantastic!!! I think i'm going to have to make pancakes this weekend !!! FOR DINNER!!! I'm crazy like that.

  58. I love pancakes, these ones look really good!
    Thanks for sharing!

  59. Those look pretty scrumptious! I never thought to butter the pancakes while they were still on the griddle, I will definitely have to try that next time :o)

  60. YUM! We love pancakes too! THanks for sharing.

  61. Ooh yummy! I love pancakes!

  62. My dad always adds rolled oats to his pancake batter.

  63. yummy! I love pancakes! Although I cant make them..I always burn them, lol//Maybe I will try your recipe out! Thanks


  64. I might add some mashed banana and chopped walnuts to this recipe.

  65. That sounds good with some blackberries!

    BTW, we have that Finding Nemo plate too! :)
    orangeaugust at yahoo dot com

  66. Pancakes are one of our favorite foods. Thanks for sharing.

  67. i need to try this recipe! we eat pancakes almost weekly. thanks! =)

  68. this inspires me to make breakfast for dinner! yum!

  69. my whole family loves pancakes, i should definitely try this recipe!

  70. My kids love it when I mkae pancakes for dinner! Maybe I will try these tonight they look really yummy!

  71. I love pancakes and am completely incompetent at making them. I cannot flip them and always end up with balls of dough. It's unfortunate!

  72. How do you get your pancakes to look so perfect! I've got some new maple syrup, and I'm looking for an improved pancake recipe, so I'll try yours. Thanks!

  73. I am totally going to try this recipe next time I make pancakes! Great cause and great recipe :o)

  74. Sounds yummy...thanks for the recipe.

  75. Sounds great, we love buttermilk pancakes. They are so much better made from scratch than using a mix.

  76. I love when buttermilk is used in recipes

  77. I've been looking for a pancake recipe that will be as good as my husband always says his mom's are. Lol! Might just try these.

  78. great inspiration I think I will try these this weekend

  79. I'm not that great at pancakes but I always add cinnamon or nutmeg or both to my batter.

  80. These sound great and a little trick if you don't have buttermilk is to mix a little lemon juice with regular milk and let it sit for a few with vinegar and milk too:)

  81. I have never made pancakes from scratch, and have only made them from a mix, but I would really love to try this recipe and see the difference. Lately, I have been eating pancakes for supper, cooking up some veggie sausages to go with them.

  82. Yum, those pancakes sound good! I think Bisquick has us spoiled for ease of pancake making!

  83. I have been looking for a good recipe that uses buttermilk in the pancakes, and since my husband told me that he wants "breakfast for supper" today, this is perfect timing. Thanks for the recipe!

  84. Love fluffy pancakes! I use club soda as the liquid to make them really light and fluffy.

  85. This looks like a good basic recipe- we like to add vanilla to ours unless we are making savory pancakes.

  86. I would never have thought of buttering them on the griddle!

  87. The pancakes look really good and easy to make. My kids love Pancakes.

  88. Awesome pancakes! I think they are better than Craker barrel!

  89. They were my favorite!

  90. Wow thanks for the tip about putting butter on the pancake while it's still cooking, I never thought about that before lol!

  91. I've never tried to make them on my own. Yum!

  92. I want pancakes now...sounds yummers...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

  93. I love pancakes! I just need to get buttermilk. thanks! jacquecurl1(at)

  94. I'm gonna try this out soon! :)

  95. Thanks, they sure look delicious!

  96. My father always made Buttermilk pancakes and these sound very similar. (can I put ginger in them?)


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