***Congrats to the winner #228 Kris!***

We recently had the chance to review a Distance Doodler from GlowCrazy.

"Glow Crazy is the hottest new glow-in-the-dark toy that lets kids draw from a distance using light. Their designs will glow in the dark for an extended period of time, allowing kids to explore their creativity on any flat surface with the GlowCrazy Distance Doodler and jumbo wall clings."
What we thought: B and the kiddos had a blast with the Distance Doodler from Glow Crazy! They played with the doodler for at least an hour the first time, which is quite a while to hold the attention of a 2 and 4 year old! They enjoyed drawing pictures, turning it into their own game of glow-in-the-dark Pictionary. They had a ton of fun playing tic-tac-toe and they couldn't stop giggling while tracing one another's silhouettes:) If I can find a toy that catches the attention of both of my kiddos and that they truly enjoy, I'm sold. The kids can hardly wait for the sun to go down each day:) The wall clings were easy to put up and remove and didn't leave behind any residue. The light wand required 4 AAA batteries, but is still going strong after 2 weeks of "reviewing." Glow Crazy has some really cool products that are fun for the whole family young and old:) ABCD Diaries gives the Glow Crazy Distance Doodler an A+!
Buy It: Find Glow Crazy products here.
Win It: One ABCD Diaries reader will win a Glow Crazy Distance Doodler!! To enter, sign up to follow our blog via GFC and comment below.
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6.Enter any other current giveaways on ABCD Diaries and leave a comment saying so. +1 for each entered
Giveaway ends Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 11:59cst. Winner will be chosen via random.org and emailed. They will have 48 hours to reply. Open to US residents 18+:)
Disclosure: ABCD Diaries was given a Distance Doodler for review purposes only. We were in no other way compensated. The opinions expressed in this post are ours and ours alone.
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