****Congrats to the winner #464 Cynthya!****
We recently had the chance to review a couple of tasty products from Mossy Bayou Foods.

"Mossy Bayou Foods is a Louisiana specialty foods company with several products that appeal to those seeking zesty and exciting flavor experiences.

It's a "relish with an attitude".Made with green Cayenne peppers, onions, garlic, salt and a special blend of spices. Net wt. 6.4 fl. oz."
What we thought: We have been pretty loyal to one hot sauce in our house (whose name we will not mention here:) but it is safe to say that brand has been replaced! The Louisiana Swamp Scum Hot Sauce is by far our new favorite hot sauce! It has an authentic Louisiana taste to it and is absolutely delicious! B, our hot sauce connoisseur, was beside himself and without words when I asked him how to describe the flavor. He said "just say it's the best we've ever had." It is definitely spicy and has a yummy smoky undertone and really tastes great on pretty much everything! And oh my, the Chow Chow...if you're not familiar with chow chow, it is like relish, but generally a little spicier. The Mossy Bayou Cajun Chow Chow is divine! Seriously, I know this review might sound a little overboard, but if you like Cajun-style condiments, it doesn't get any better than Mossy Bayou Foods, at least as far as I know. And no...they didn't pay me to say that:) We are 100% sold on Mossy Bayou Louisiana Swamp Scum Sauce and Cajun Chow Chow...we will be customers for life:) If you couldn't already tell, ABCD Diaries gives Mossy Bayou Foods an A+!!
Buy It: Find these mouthwatering products at Mossy Bayou Foods.
Win It: One ABCD Diaries reader will win a prize package from Mossy Bayou Foods filled with a variety of unique Cajun goodies!! To enter, sign up to follow our blog via GFC and comment below.
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Giveaway ends Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 11:59cst. Winner will be chosen via random.org and emailed. They will have 48 hours to reply. Open to US residents 18+:)
Disclosure: ABCD Diaries was given product samples for review purposes only. We were in no other way compensated. The opinions expressed in this post are ours and ours alone.
I am a gfc follower. I admit that I have never tried a cajun hot sauce, which is odd, because I have tried them from all over the world. I would really like to try this.
Nice giveaway Christin.
ReplyDeleteSwamp Scum really is delicious. It almost single-handedly changed my mind about Louisiana style hot sauces.
I'm curious, what *is* the one hot sauce you're so loyal to? Since your a Texan, and we're Marylanders, I'd love to know what floats your boat hot sauce wise.
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ReplyDeleteWould love to try these products.
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i like spicy food bring on the spice =)
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