Friday, March 16, 2012

Gooseberry Patch 101 Soups, Salad & Sandwiches Review and Giveaway...

101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches.
"Whether families only have time for a quick lunch or are sitting down to a comforting supper, 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches has it all! The latest addition to the best-selling Gooseberry Patch photo cookbook series is packed with hundreds of combinations for fresh & filling meals. Even better, each is accompanied by a mouthwatering full-color photo! A special chapter of condiments and garnishes provides extra ways to add more flavor to any of these recipes."

What we thought:  This is a fantastic book of recipes!  From light lunch fare to hearty dishes that could qualify as dinner, the newest Gooseberry Patch cook book is full of delicious ideas using seasonal ingredients to make gorgeous meals that are sure to satisfy everyone at your table this spring and summer:)  The full color pictures that go along with each recipe will leave your mouth watering:)  This book is a great addition to every cook's collection!  ABCD Diaries gives Gooseberry Patch an A+!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: ABCD Diaries was given samples for review purposes only. We were in no other way compensated. The opinions expressed in this post are ours and ours alone.


  1. Entered the Natural Dentist Giveaway
    ababe28 (at) hotmail dot com

  2. Entered the hair clip giveaway.

  3. I entered the Gooseberry Patch giveaway

  4. I entered the Naked Binder giveaway.

  5. I entered the 7th generation giveaway.

  6. Entered your Twisted Orchid giveaway. tylerpants(at)

  7. I also entered the Twisted Orchid giveaway. trixpixel[at]


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