Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lilla Rose Flexi-Clip Review and Giveaway...

"Whether your hair is thick or thin, course or fine, curly or straight, short or long, there's a flexi clip that is just perfect for you!"

We reviewed a fairy flexi-clip for A's baby fine hair...the extra small worked great to create a variety of hairstyles.  This clip is easy to use, matches everything, and can been worn dressed up or dressed down.  

A loved showing her clip off to all of her friends.  She loves fairies and this clip was really pretty.  Lilla Rose has a large selection of clips in a variety of sizes and designs to fit anyone's personality.  The versatility of these clips is pretty amazing.  ABCD Diaries gives the Lilla Rose Flexi-Clip an A+!

You can find an extensive collection of gorgeous accessories at Lilla Rose!  Sarah is running a March special: Buy-3-Get-1-Free through the month of March. Any customer who purchases 3 or more flexi clips from her during the month of March will receive a voucher for a free clip (up to $15 value).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: We were given a clip to facilitate this review.  We were in no other way compensated. All opinions expressed in this post are ours and ours alone.


  1. Entered VeggieTales Robin Good and His Not-So-Merry Men DVD giveaway

  2. I entered teh Veggie Tales giveaway.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  3. Entered the Pama Giveaway
    ababe28(at)hotmail dot com

  4. I entered the Naked Binder giveaway.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  5. Entered Natural Dentist Rinse

  6. I entered the veggie tales giveaway.

  7. entered VeggieTales Robin Good and His Not-So-Merry Men Review and Giveaway

  8. I entered the Natural Dentist giveaway.

    Lisa Garner


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