Thursday, June 13, 2013

OFF! Insect Repellent...Summer Must-Have!

"It’s finally time to enjoy the great outdoors – whether it’s in your own backyard, playing at the park or enjoying an outdoor concert, OFF! ® has an array of products to suit your needs, including:

·          OFF!® Clip-On™ mosquito repellent is a sprayless personal mosquito repellent that doesn’t have to be applied directly to skin – a quiet battery-powered fan circulates odorless repellent, providing head-to-toe protection within minutes. OFF!® Clip-On™ is now available in four decorative designs to match your favorite summer moments: new Limited Edition Black, Vintage American Flag, American Flag and Camouflage.

  • OFF!® Citronella Candles offer hours of protection and enhance the ambiance of your outdoor occasion. The new limited edition Large OFF!®Citronella Bucket adds a touch of style to your summer gathering, burning for up to 40 hours.

  • OFF!® Bug Control Backyard Pretreat offers both a spray and a stream option that allows homeowners to quickly and easily spot-treat shrubs, bushes and other areas of the backyard. Before guests arrive, attach OFF!® Bug Control Backyard Pretreat to a garden hose and treat. One application kills insects on treated outdoor surfaces for up to eight weeks on hard, non-porous surfaces.
  • OFF! Deep Woods® Dry offers long-lasting protection without that oily or greasy feel provides great protection for a deep woods experience."
What we thought:  Every summer we stock up on OFF! products, so we were super excited to get to review the latest goodies for the season.  I'm pretty sure we live in the mosquito capital of the US.  The Texas coast gets swarmed every summer and insect repellent products are a MUST-HAVE down here.  OFF! products always work really well for us.  The clip-on is great for fishing and BBQ-ing, the candle is perfect for the picnic table and my personal favorite, the Deep Woods spray, goes on easy and keeps the bugs at bay.  We love OFF! products!  ABCD Diaries gives OFF! an A+!

 Please visit and for more information.

Disclosure: ABCD Diaries was given samples for review purposes only. We were in no other way compensated. The opinions expressed in this post are ours and ours alone.

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