Saturday, February 1, 2014

Glysonna Sleep Aid Review + Giveaway!

ABCD Diaries was given samples for review purposes only. We were in no other way compensated. The opinions expressed in this post are ours and ours alone. 

"You’ve stopped drinking caffeine. You exercise. You cut off all electronics by 9PM and play soft, soothing music in your bedroom to try and lull yourself to sleep. But, still, you’re awake night after night, staring at the ceiling wondering why on earth you can’t get to sleep.

Relying on over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids might make the problem worse. Many of these products simply knock you out and prevent you from reaching a deep sleep and REM sleep. You wake up feeling groggy, cranky and exhausted.

You may be experiencing straight insomnia – or maybe just a temporary problem sleeping. Surprisingly, though, roughly 50% of people who suffer from insomnia also suffer from sleep apnea (largely undiagnosed).

And if you have sleep apnea, the last thing you want to do is take a medication that knocks you out! The gasping and choking that sleep apnea causes is your body’s survival mechanism kicking in. Your body is waking you up to tell you that you need to breathe! This natural survival mechanism can be repressed when taking a prescription drug.

Glysonna is a drug-free sleep aid, glycine fortified with added wellness nutrients which helps you to reach restorative sleep by:

a) Triggering relaxation.
b) Sustaining sleep.
c) Initiating the natural sleep process.

For more information, please visit"

What we thought:  I often find myself tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep which doesn't just affect me, but my husband as well.  I usually use an over-the-counter sleep + pain aid, but I don't like to use it if I don't actually need pain relief.  Not to mention the fact that I always take a lot longer to actually feel awake the morning after taking it.  I was definitely interested in trying Glysonna since is is an all-natural sleep-aid that is drug-free.  It really did help me fall asleep faster and waking up the morning after taking it was a lot easier.  The taste isn't terrible either which is definitely a plus.  I tend to prefer pills over liquids that taste so bad they make me gag, but Glysonna was easy to swallow.  Overall, I would give Glysonna an A+ for effectiveness!

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