
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Kiddos can Drink in Style with Siliskin Glasses from Silikids! #Giveaway #Spon

**Complimentary products received in exchange for out honest review.  All opinions are ours and ours alone**

We recently had the chance to review a 2 pack of Siliskin glasses from Silikids:

What we thought:
My kiddos have always loved to drink from glasses...if they have a choice between a glass or a plastic cup, the glass wins every time!  However, we have lost a few glasses because of this:)  Accidents happen, right?  Of course, I try to keep my kiddos safe.  When something breaks near them and they are shoeless (which, around here, is most of the time:) they know to freeze right where they are until a grownup cleans up the glass.  

Thanks to Silikids, I don't have to worry about these accidents quite as often:)  Siliskins are 6 oz glasses that feature a bright, colorful silicone sleeve around them.  They come in a 2 pack, which is perfect for for each kiddo!  They are smaller than the glasses my monkeys usually drink from, but their coolness gets them picked every time:)  My kiddos use these EVERY DAY now!  The design of the sleeve is fun...there are cut outs so you can see your drink inside and bumps raised areas to make them easier to grasp and add texture.  They are easy to clean and the kiddos love them!

ABCD Diaries gives Siliskins an A+!

Watch the Silikids video:

Buy It:
You can find these glasses and more great stuff for kiddos at Silikids!

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Enter below to win a set of Siliskins glasses!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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