Monday, May 19, 2014

The Happy Trunk Science and Craft Subscription Box #Sponsored

**Complimentary products received in exchange for our honest review.  All opinions are ours and ours alone.**

  We recently had the chance to review The HappyTrunk Box:

The Happy Trunk is a subscription box service for kids.  It features science experiments and crafts for kiddos ages 3-11.  The kits are available for two different age ranges, 3-7 and 8-11.  We reviewed the 8-11 kit.  Included were all the components and easy-to-follow instructons for 2 experiments and 2 crafts based on 2 themes:

The first theme was DNA.  We made a DNA model and extracted the DNA from a strawberry.  The kiddos found DNA very interesting and these experiments really opened up a dialogue on the topic.  We haven't studied DNA yet in our homeschool, so this was pretty exciting for them:)

Here is D mixing up our solution:

Mashing the strawberry:

Both kiddos helping to fill the test tube:

and voila! Strawberry DNA extracted!

The 2nd theme was focused on making and using chalkboard paint.  We mixed up our own paint and used it to create mini memo boards:

The kiddos LOVED this subscription was a great combination of their two favorite things, science and art:)  I thought it was a great way to introduce new topics and a fantastic way to allow kiddos to explore through educational play.

ABCD Diaries gives The Happy Trunk an A+!

Buy It:
These boxes start at just $19.95.  Get yours today at The Happy Trunk!

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