
Monday, March 2, 2015

Udderly Naked: Handmade Body Care for the Whole Family! + Giveaway

**Complimentary products received in exchange for our honest review.  All opinions are ours and ours alone**

We recently had the chance to review several handmade products from Udderly Naked:

Udderly Naked is best known for their extensive line of 100% natural goat milk soaps.  We were able to review a $20 Gift Set which allowed us to try out 3 awesome bars of soap: Camo Clean, Sunshine Soap and Loofah Soap, 2 lip balms: CocoaMint and Orangesicle and a medium hard lotion in Lavender.  When you order your gift set, you get to personalize it and choose whichever scents you like best for each product.

The soaps we reviewed were awesome!  They all smelled amazing and left our skin feeling smooth and clean without drying it out.  I love that these soaps a re great for the whole family!  They are full of all sorts of goodness like healthy oils and herbs and other ingredients that help to keep your skin looking and feeling great!  My favorite soap was the Loofah Soap.  An amazingly aromatic pink soap is poured around a loofah sponge and sliced into soap rounds that fit perfectly in your hand.  As you use the soap, the loofah helps to scrub of dead skin and feels awesome!

The lip balms were great for the kiddos' chapped lips.  They are smooth and creamy, not waxy, and really work wonders on dried, chapped lips.

The hard lotion was fantastic as well.  I am a huge fan of hard lotion.  I find that these lotion bars help moisturized dry, cracked skin better than traditional liquid lotions.  I love using the soothing lavender-scented bar on my heels.  It will be instrumental in getting my feet back in flip-flop shape just in time for the warmer weather!

Udderly Naked is your one-stop shop for 100% natural body products and they offer a great selection of scents to choose from.

Enter to win the $20 Gift Set from Udderly Naked which includes 3 soaps, 2 lip balms and a medium hard lotion of your choosing!

Disclosure: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.


  1. I really like lavender scented soap
    {in the contest I am Margot Core on the Rafflecopter}

  2. My favorite soap scent is lavender.

  3. My favorite soap scent is coconut.

  4. I like a citrus soap scent. It seems to work best on body odor for hubby ;)

  5. I love sandalwood scents.

  6. My favorite soap scent is Lavender. I have tons of lavender items because I love it.

  7. I like citrusy scents.
    Mary Beth Elderton

  8. My favorite soap scent is vanilla or lemongrass, I love both of them.

  9. my favorite soap scent is vanilla

  10. My favorite soap scent is coconut! I love scents that are tropical and remind of the beach.

  11. In the winter I like mint scents, and in the spring/summer I like floral and fruity scents

  12. I have been getting a patchouli scented soap from a local soapmaker which is really awesome.

  13. I would like their apple cider soap; I usually like anything that has an autumn smell to it.

  14. Lavender Soap scent is my favorite! Udderly Naked products look amazing!!! Thank you for the chance :)

  15. I like the scent of roses. Love anything floral!

  16. anything citrus smelling or fruity :)

  17. I love coffee smells and coconuts.

  18. I like the Sunshine Soap scent - thank you

  19. I like the scent of honeysuckle so nice

  20. The Cocoamint Soap scent sounds really nice.

    tderosa142 at gmail dot com

  21. I adore Lavender!

  22. Sunshine would be my scent!

  23. I love almond-scented soaps:)

  24. My favorite would be citrusy scents

  25. I love the smell of gardenia!

  26. I really like the scent of vanilla the most of all.


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