
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Fall Scholastic Book Roundup for Grades 3-12! #spon

*DISCLOSURE* Thank you to Scholastic for providing product samples in order to facilitate this post.  All thoughts are strictly my own. 

To kick off Fall, we'd like to share a few of our favorite books from Scholastic.  My kiddos are 9 and 12, so these books would be great for middle grade readers!

By Allan Woodrow

3-5,  6-8


The fifth graders of Liberty Falls Elementary might be the worst fifth graders ever, but they still get to go on a field trip! They're going to visit the Edward Minks Mansion to learn about the eccentric inventor and founder of their town. Legend has it that there are some undiscovered inventions hidden in the house. The students are eager to find them, and they convince Principal Klein to let them out of writing their essay on Minks if they do.
Eddie thinks he has the best chance of finding the inventions, sice Minks was his great-great-great-grandfather. However, he won't let anyone help, not even his trip buddy, Aaron. Aaron is the new kid and just wants to make friends, but he's mostly feeling left out. Chloe wants to find the inventions; however, her best friend, Sophie, has other plans for the trip. And Jessie thinks that something weird is going on at the house, but no one believes her until the students notice there are inventions missing. They quickly realize someoe might be taking the secret inventions, and they are not going to let that continue to happen! 
Can a fifth grade that's better at pranks than working together find a way to save the field trip, stop the thieves, and get their schoolwork done? Or will this be the last field trip ever?

By Donna Cooner

6-8,  9-12


From Donna Cooner, author of Can't Look Away and Worthy, comes another "zeitgeisty" and socially relevant novel about social media and cyberbullying in high school today.

Skye's life is perfect, or at least that's what it looks like on her Instagram account. She may be counting down the days until she can get out of her small town, but her social media game is always on point. However, the one time she looks less-than-perfect while she's at a sleepover, her friend Riley catches it all in an embarrassing video. Skye thinks the video is deleted and gone, until someone texts her a screenshot from it. Whoever has the photo is threatening to leak it unless Skye does whatever they say. Skye's perfect image and her privacy are suddenly in jeopardy. What will Skye do to keep the photo under wraps? And who is trying to ruin her life?

Author: Justina Chen

6-8,  9-12

Romance, Young Adult

A delicious YA romance about a young woman learning to live without the sun while fighting for her chance at love, for fans of Everything, Everything!

What would you do if the sun became your enemy? That's exactly what happens to Viola Li after she returns from a trip abroad and develops a sudden and extreme case of photosensitivity — an inexplicable allergy to sunlight. Thanks to her crisis-manager parents, she doesn't just have to wear layers of clothes and a hat the size of a spaceship. She has to stay away from all hint of light. Say goodbye to windows and running outdoors. Even her phone becomes a threat when its screen burns her. Viola is determined to maintain a normal life, particularly after she meets Josh. He's a funny, talented Thor look-alike who carries his own mysterious grief. But the intensity of their romance makes her take more and more risks, and when a rebellion against her parents backfires dangerously, she must find her way to a life — and love — as deep and lovely as her dreams.

Both kiddos enjoyed these awesome new books thanks to Scholastic!  Get your munchkins excited to read with Scholastic's amazing selection of books for all ages!

Disclosure: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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