
Thursday, May 13, 2021

#WelcomeSpring with a Leaf'd Box Starter Garden!

 *DISCLOSURE* Thank you to Leaf'd Box for providing product samples in order to facilitate this post.  All thoughts are strictly my own. 

I love gardening!  It is such a stress reliever and being able to provide my family with fresh produce from our own backyard gives me such joy!  But holy moly, is there a lot to learn about gardening, especially when you are first starting out!  Leaf'd Box has made the whole process a lot easier and offers the perfect garden kits for gardeners of all skill levels.

Leaf'd Box makes this year's garden the easiest garden ever with pre-grown, ready to plant starts delivered right to your door!  You pick your garden type, they grow your plants and once they are healthy and ready to transplant, they ship them to you.

Leaf'd Box provides some really awesome herb and veggie gardens in a variety of sizes to suit your needs.  Your plants come with a quickstart guide and easy to understand instructions to make your experience as close to no-fail as possible.  The box includes a QR code that you can scan to go straight to the Leaf'd Box website which is full of a wealth of knowledge from generations of gardeners.

Take a look at the starts that came in our box:

Plants are labeled with the fully grown plant size and spacing suggestions.  We also got our information pamphlets and 3 packs of seeds for veggies that prefer to be direct sown instead of transplanted.

The plants all looked nice and healthy:

Check out these strong root systems just waiting to be planted in the ground:

Baby plants are always so full of promise they make my heart sing!  It's a thing of beauty I tell ya!

Leaf'd Box tailors your box to fit the season and your gardening zone.  They grow non-GMO varieties that are healthy, nutritious, natural, and highly productive.  They'll send you early spring, spring, summer, and fall boxes, all customized to your location.  It's never been easier to eat homegrown food!

Here are my basil babies on transplant day, standing nice and tall in front of my direct sown basils:

Baby squash:

Baby cucumbers:

Baby peppers:

Baby tomatoes:

You can get a variety of different boxes from Leaf'd Box.  Here are some subscription options:

Herb Garden
4 Shipments per year
10 Plants Per Shipment

Garden Expert Tips & Tricks
For Indoor/ Outdoor Use
- billed quarterly -

10 Veggie Garden
4 Shipments per year
10 Plants Per Shipment 

Garden Expert Tips & Tricks
Seasonal Varieties
- billed quarterly -

30 (Large) Veggie Garden
4 Shipments per year
30 Plants Per Shipment

Garden Expert Tips & Tricks
- billed quarterly -

Plus, each subscription provides someone with clean water for a year— often a first step in being raised out of poverty thanks to Leaf'd Box's desire to give back!

It really couldn't be easier to plant and grow nutritious homegrown produce successfully that your whole family will enjoy.  Check out Leaf'd Box this Spring to have your best garden ever!

Disclosure: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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