
Monday, September 12, 2022

#HolidayGiftGuide - MONSTERBASS Box for the Fishing Enthusiast!

 *DISCLOSURE* Thank you to MONSTERBASS for providing product samples in order to facilitate this post.  All thoughts are strictly my own. 

If you have a fisherman or woman on your gift list this year, a MONSTERBASS subscription is sure to be their favorite gift!

Check out what you get in a typical MONSTERBASS box:

Firstly, the inside of the box is covered in so much great information on seasonal fishings...great tips and tricks any level fishing enthusiast could benefit from.

Of course, the box is chock full of fishing gear...lures, hooks, worms, rigs and more:

So many different types of expertly curated tackle and lures, it's definitely worth more than the cost of the box!  You'll also find an informational booklet, money saving coupons and discounts and a sticker.

The booklet is packed with lessons on the skill of the month...this box was The Ned Rig.  The lessons all focus on how to implement and master each skill to be able to enjoy more success on your fishing adventures.

You'll find other pertinent info in the guide as well, like these moon phase dates and recommendations:

What makes MONSTERBASS different than the other fishing gear boxes out there?  They base your box off where you live and the type of fishing you do. It doesn't make any sense to send the same baits in January to a guy in Michigan, as it does to a guy in Florida.  The stages of the spawn are different and the water temperatures and depths are different. So by telling them where you love to fish, they can send the best baits for the conditions you're fishing. They also base your box on your skill level and the type of fishing you do, bank/shore or boat.  The idea is to send you gear you will actually use and have success with.  This makes MONSTERBASS an even greater value!

If you are looking for fantastic fishing gifts this holiday season that are sure to impress, check out MOMNSTERBASS!

Disclosure: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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